Monday, January 05, 2009 @ 11:47 PM
Happy new year to all!
i know this is kinda late but hope all of you began your new year well. i hope i would say i did but no, i did not. life is full of ups and downs. this is just one of my down period. those who were with me that day will know (thanks so much for your patience) and especially matthew. that day much be the most shocking day of his 18 years of living as he heard a different side of me. well dude, once again i wanna say, thanks for being there. you are God-sent. you are chairman of my ABD. (ask me for the full name if you wanna know. hahas. its lame)
on the bright side, things are slowing down and taking pace. these few starting weeks of 2009 i guess will be weeks of meditation and strength gaining. like what matt said, "stop putting others in front. how about yourself." i have decided since cat told me the same thing on saturday. i guess i brought serving to the other extreme but no matter what, i still love to serve and will never ever stop serving God. yes, maybe methods of serving God will change, but as long as its the same God i serve, its all alright. pastor always say "the message is sacred but the method is not" things are not confirm. need to speak to jeff, another spiritual mentor of mine. i thank God for putting great, spiritual and awesome leaders above me.
A new year, yes, a new beginning. a fresh start. resolutions will be up soon(by this week i promise). i will be so so BUSY with projects and all. looking at my pretty organiser, life is going to be hectic. but His grace will see me through.
"For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap"